Atocha Treasure Coins
Authentic Atocha Coins Recovered by Mel Fisher



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Grade 2 Atocha Coins

Grade 2 Atocha coins lack the clarity or detail of Grade 1 coins. The cause is usually due to corrosion from years of salt water exposure, but sometimes from imperfections in the minting process itself. The obverse and reverse sides, although not as clear, may show portions of the cross and shield, mintmark, assayer mark and denomination; but seldom all at once.  Atocha coins are supplied with the original photo type Certificate of Authenticity.  Display your Atocha coin and Certificate of Authenticity in our multiple sleeved display folder Mount your Atocha coin in a 14k Gold Bezel.

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8 Reales
Item#:  7149 (85A-163271)
Denomination:  8 reales
Mint:  Potosi
Assayer:  T
Weight:  26.2 grams
Diameter: 1.4-1.5 inches



Grade 2, bold, full cross with all lions and castles visible to varying degrees in the cross quadrants, more so in the left half.  Nearly full shield with most elements visible, but more importantly with a bold mint and assayer mark P and T at left and a nice crown above.  A very heavy weight coin, typical of the very best grade 1 coins.  Supplied with the original Treasure Salvors, Inc. photo type Certificate of Authenticity.

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8 Reales
Item#:  7110 (85A-141020)
Denomination:  8 reales
Mint:  Potosi

Assayer:  Not Visible (T)
Weight:  26.3 grams
Diameter: 1.4-1.5 inches



Grade 2+, excellent, boldly struck cross with all lions and castles clearly visible in the cross quadrants.  Equally nice, deeply struck shield with a rare transposition of the upper shield elements and with Y replacing the I in the king's name in the legend, found only on coins of assayer T.  Although the mint and assayer marks are not visible to the left of the shield, these errors and the cross side lion design, tie this coin to the 1618-1620 time period.  An excellent heavy weight Atocha coin.  Supplied with the original Treasure Salvors, Inc. photo type Certificate of Authenticity.

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8 Reales
Item#:  7152 (85A-164186)
Denomination:  8 reales
Mint:  Potosi

Assayer:  Q
Weight:  25.7 grams
Diameter: 1.4-1.5 inches



Grade 2+, excellent full cross with all lions and both castles visible in the cross quadrants along with some legend along the right edge.  On the opposite side is an equally nice full shield with both the mint and assayer marks P and  Q at left.  An excellent grade 2 coin.  Supplied with the original Treasure Salvors, Inc. photo type Certificate of Authenticity.

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8 Reales
Item#:  12086 (85A-237410)
Denomination:  8 reales
Mint:  Potosi
Assayer:  RAL
Weight:  25.3 grams
Diameter: 1.5-1.7 inches



Grade 2+, Exceptional, boldly struck cross side details including a full cross with all lions and castles visible in the cross quadrants.  Of particular importance on the cross side is the bottom of the 6 (10 o'clock position) and bottom of the 8 (11 o'clock position) of the date 1618 located along the edge.  The opposite side is extremely well struck, but exhibits some pitting from corrosion.  Details include a completely full shield with most of the crown above, mint and assayer marks P and RAL (monogrammed) at left, very rare denomination mark 8 at right and a lot of legend visible along the edge.  Assayer RAL held office only in the year 1618, coins from this assayer are rare and highly collectable.  But, what makes this coin even more special is the numeral 8 denomination mark as coins from this time period were marked VIII.  A very desirable grade 2 coin.  Supplied with the original Treasure Salvors, Inc. photo type Certificate of Authenticity.

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8 Reales
Item#:  7115 (85A-141928)
Denomination:  8 reales
Mint:  Potosi
Assayer:  Q
Weight:  24.0 grams
Diameter: 1.5-1.6 inches



Grade 2+, excellent, well centered full cross with all lions and castles visible to varying degrees in the cross quadrants and surrounded by a nearly complete border of bold dots.  Equally nice, nearly full shield with clear mint and assayer marks P and Q at left (surprisingly, the assayer mark is listed as not visible on the certificate.  A great grade 2 coin with nice weight.  Supplied with the original Treasure Salvors, Inc. photo type Certificate of Authenticity.

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4 Reales
Item#:  6014 (85A-105586)
4 reales
Mint:  Potosi
Assayer:  Not visible
Weight:  12.9 grams
Diameter: 1.25 inches



Grade 2, full cross with one lion and castle visible in the top cross quadrants and just a hint of the top of other lion and castle visible in the bottom quadrants.  The shield side exhibits a nearly full shield with areas of flatness obscuring the mint and assayer marks.  Nice shape and details for bezel mounting.  Supplied with the original photo type Certificate of Authenticity.



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